Brazil Clark, PLLC

When Is an Emergency Conservatorship Appropriate?

When someone you love suffers from a mental illness, physical disability, or cognitive impairment, you may notice that they lack the ability to make decisions for themselves. When a loved one is unable to care for himself or herself, an emergency conservatorship may be necessary.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

Estate Planning & Dementia: What You Should Consider

As Americans live longer through advances in medicine, from watching what they eat and drink, and in general from making better-informed decisions regarding their health, they not only add years to their lives but expose themselves to the late-life onset of cognitive impairment.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

Why Hire a Corporate Law Attorney?

While the minute nature of corporate governance rules may differ, as personified by share ownership, capital markets, and business culture, similar legal characteristics and legal problems exist across many jurisdictions. Corporate law regulates how corporations, investors, shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers, the community, and the environment interact with one another.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

Temporary vs. Permanent Conservatorships

Conservatorships in Tennessee can be temporary (emergency) and permanent, but many people do not understand the difference between the two. If you are considering placing your family member or friend under a conservatorship, you need to understand your options.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

The Legal Criteria for a Mental Health Conservatorship

If you have a loved one who is suffering from a mental disability that makes it hard if not impossible for them to function in daily life, such as Alzheimer’s, you can seek to have a conservator appointed by a court. Likewise, you yourself – in facing such mental challenges – may decide that it is in your best interests to have a conservator appointed to help make medical and health-related decisions for you.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

Can a Mentally Ill Loved One be Forced into Treatment?

Anyone who’s dealt with mental illness personally or with a loved one knows what a long and difficult road it can be. Oftentimes, there is no cure, and the best we can hope for is to simply manage the condition and move through life the best we can.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

What is a Mental Health Conservatorship?

If someone you care about is unable to manage their financial or medical affairs because of a mental illness, you may be considering a mental health conservatorship. However, setting up a mental health conservatorship is no easy task, which is why you need the help of an experienced attorney. Don’t face this challenging time alone.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

Who Can a Conservatorship Help?

When a loved one becomes vulnerable to undue influence or can no longer make medical and financial decisions due to incapacity, a conservatorship may be the best choice. However, establishing a conservatorship is not an easy process, which is why you may need to seek the assistance of an attorney.
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Brazil Clark, PLLC

Can I Make My Family Member Go To Rehab?

Tennessee is one of 37 states with an involuntary commitment law, but the standards and legal barriers are high. If your loved one is a minor and facing an addiction problem, whether with alcohol, prescription, or illegal drugs, the law states that either the parent or the minor can consent to addiction treatment.
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