Wesley Clark is from Jamestown, Tennessee. He graduated Cum Laude from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Wesley earned his Juris Doctor degree from Southern Illinois University. He is married to his wife of thirteen years, Rachel Clark. They enjoy travel, dining, video games, and spending time at home in West Nashville with their cat. Mr. Clark is a member of the Tennessee Bar Association and Belle Meade United Methodist Church.
In his early years of practice, Mr. Clark represented juveniles and adults charged with criminal offenses. In recognition of his outstanding service to clients, Mr. Clark was asked to serve on the Board of Directors for the Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and was named as a “Rising Star” by the organization in 2016.
During that time, Mr. Clark observed that many of his clients were routinely subjected to violations of their federally protected constitutional rights. He recognized the need to vindicate these rights outside the confines of the criminal justice system and refocused his career into federal civil rights litigation. He represented clients in two landmark federal class action lawsuits (Geerts v. Rutherford County et al, and Doe v. Hommrich, et al) obtaining permanent injunctions against Rutherford County from using solitary confinement as punishment against juveniles and from illegally detaining juveniles accused of delinquent offenses.
In 2017, Wesley joined Frank Ross Brazil and founded Brazil Clark, PLLC. In addition to his work protecting the civil rights of juveniles, Wesley and Ross represent clients in lawsuits against the government for illegal arrests, unlawful searches and seizures, excessive force, and due process violations. Brazil Clark, PLLC has recovered millions for clients whose rights were violated by sheriffs, state officials, prosecutors, cities, counties and police.
Several of Brazil Clark's cases against government actors were the first of their kind, and he blazed new trails in asserting novel theories of constitutional law in advancing his clients rights. Just in the past year, in addition to the millions recovered for the illegal arrests and detentions of juveniles, the Director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation was ordered to pay Mr. Clark's attorney's fees at hourly rate of $450 per hour, and the State of Tennessee paid over $500,000.00 to settle claims brought by a local business owner against an elected District Attorney.
Mr. Clark’s day-to-day practice now revolves primarily around complex civil litigation, where he applies the same dynamic problem solving responsible for the outcomes in federal civil rights claims to a wider variety of civil lawsuits. These include business disputes regarding ownership interest rights, anti-cybersquatting litigation, breach of fiduciary duty, and complex family law cases.
Whether you have been wronged by an elected government official, a powerful executive at your company, or a government agency itself, there are few lawyers more qualified than Wesley Clark to work with you in seeking justice.